Robert Rodriguez Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. ~what I’ll do is sort of a more efficient method, similar to a Premack [a motivational system where a more-preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less-preferred activity] or a rewards system, but with a more concrete strategy.
I’ll write my list of two or three least desirable major tasks on one pad, with the word “Tasks” written on top. And I’ll keep the second pad ready with the heading “Distractions” on top. I’ll then set my phone timer for 20 minutes. I’ll tackle one of my undesirable major tasks for a full 20 minutes. No straying from that. Because when you’re engaged mentally on a task, creativity fires off more ideas.
During my 20 minutes, I’ll just physically write down any incoming missile of a thought on my “Distractions” pad, and I immediately go back to my major undesirable task.
If I’m on a roll on my main task, I’ll add another 10 minutes to the timer and go as far as 30 minutes. But that’s the limit.
I then take a 10- to 15-minute “reward break.” I get up after 30 minutes and walk around. I take my distraction pad (which by now probably already has several things listed) and I’ll get to go do one of those things for 10 to 15 minutes only. You must set a timer for this, too. I try and do the ones that take less time, so I’m not an hour away from my main task. I don’t have to complete the distraction in one sitting. If it’s going to take longer than 10 or 15 minutes, then I’ll just chip away at it and save the rest of it for the next break. I then come back and reset the 20-minute timer and start again on my main task. P 542-543

2. (Fácil means “easy,” but has a nicer ring to it in Spanish and also comes off as “No big deal!”)
Basically, we’re all capable of doing a lot more than we think. Our brains, our fear, our sense of what’s possible and the reality of “only” 24 hours in a day give us preconceived notions of what is humanly possible.
It’s a good reminder that anything can be done, with relative ease and less stress, if you have the right mindset.
~if, in your mind, it’s fácil, then you’ll breeze through it and ideas will flow. Attitude comes first.
Because there’s a lot of life we can experience in this world. It’s all out there, ripe for the making, and it all starts in your head. What we tell ourselves is of utmost importance. We can conjure up new worlds with our imaginations and our creativity. And there’s 24 entire hours in a day and seven whole days to a week and it can all be so very FÁCIL! P 544-545

3. I listened to a guided meditation that I made myself. It’s five minutes long. Part of the meditation reminds me that bottlenecks occur, and they only help clarify what’s important and what’s not. And that there is a natural sifting that takes place. If everything hits at once, it’s a rarity. Life tends to shift events around so that everything you want to accomplish can be accomplished. On their own! ~someone will end up canceling, or pushing, and the other thing will suddenly no longer be relevant.
That’s why I keep piling it on. I’m rarely too busy, if you can keep the right attitude about it, which is, “I can definitely say I am living my life to the fullest.” P 545

Image result for robert rodriguez

ROBERT RODRIGUEZ is a director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor, and musician. He is also the founder and chairman of El Rey Network, a new genre-busting cable network. He went on to write, produce, and direct many successful films, including Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn, the Spy Kids franchise, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Frank Miller’s Sin City, Machete, and others.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 541). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
