Kyle Maynard Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. Failure is inextricably connected to any major success I’ve ever had. It not only helped with my dexterity and focus, but it also helped build my will. The best way I can describe the feeling is a Finnish word, “sisu”—the mental strength to continue to try even after you feel you’ve reached the limits of your abilities. I don’t think failure is sometimes part of the process—it always is. When you feel you can’t go on, know that you’re just getting started. P 15

2. ~former Navy SEAL, Richard Machowicz: “Not Dead, Can’t Quit.” P 15

3. Suffering is the greatest teacher I’ve ever had. P 16

4. Joseph Campbell’s line “follow your bliss,” it has become my true north. Thinking of what makes me happy doesn’t give me the same clarity as thinking about what gives me bliss. Bliss is the highest peak of what brings you joy. If happiness is just above the status quo, bliss is what makes you feel most alive. Expect it will take courage to follow your bliss, and expect it will suck at times. Expect you’re going to have to take risks for it. Expect others won’t necessarily understand. And also expect that what gives you bliss today may not be what does tomorrow. Just follow it all over again. P 16

5. Time is the only thing we can’t get back. If I thought something was a 7, there was a good chance I felt obligated to do it. But if I have to decide between a 6 or an 8, it’s a lot easier to quickly determine whether or not I should even consider it. P 17

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KYLE MAYNARD is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and ESPY award–winning mixed martial arts athlete, known for becoming the first quadruple amputee to reach the summits of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Aconcagua without the aid of prosthetics. Oprah Winfrey called Kyle “one of the most inspiring young men you will ever hear about.” Arnold Schwarzenegger described him as “a champion human,” and even Wayne Gretzky has spoken of Kyle’s “greatness.” Kyle was born with a rare condition that resulted in arms that end at the elbows and legs that end near his knees. Despite this, and with the support of his family, Kyle learned as a child to live life independently without prosthetics. Kyle has become a champion wrestler (inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame), CrossFit Certified Instructor, owner of the No Excuses gym, world record–setting weightlifter, and skilled mountaineer.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 14). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
