Strauss Zelnic Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. “Always ask: What am I missing? And listen to the answer.” P 289

2. I’m a big believer in starting slowly. Magazines that promise washboard abs in three weeks are just selling magazines. If you’re not in great shape, that didn’t happen overnight; don’t expect to reverse it overnight either.
Don’t work out more than two or three times a week until your body feels ready for more. If you start slowly and develop the habit of doing exercise for about three months, it’s very likely to stick. P 290

3. I make loads of mistakes daily. But mistakes can be identified and corrected (or at least addressed) in the moment. A failure is a collection of small mistakes that haven’t been identified or corrected along the way. P 290

4. ~my personal approach and our corporate brand relies first and foremost on integrity. Never compromise your integrity. It’s all you have. P 290-291

5. While it can feel embarrassing and uncomfortable to apologize, it’s a sign of maturity and good character. Unfortunately there is no particular magic to saying “I’m sorry.” Just do it. P 291

6. Figure out what success means to you. Don’t accept others’ views or conventional wisdom. Write down what your successful personal and professional life looks like in 20 years. Then roll the clock back to today. Make sure your choices are in service of those goals. P 291

7. When (I) feel overwhelmed or unfocused...I try to take a break and not be too hard on myself. Get some (more) exercise. Having done that, I’ll ask: Am I on the right track and just frustrated at today’s lack of progress, or do I need to reconsider my approach? If that doesn’t yield anything helpful, I’ll pose those questions to close friends I trust and my wife. And if none of that helps, I’ll try to put the thoughts aside for 24 hours. A day later, the smoke usually clears and things make more sense. P 291

STRAUSS ZELNICK founded Zelnick Media Group (ZMC) in 2001, which specializes in private equity investments in the media and communications industries. He serves as CEO and chairman of the board of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., ZMC’s largest asset and the video game developer of blockbuster hits including Max Payne, the Grand Theft Auto series, and WWE 2K. Strauss is also a director of Education Networks of America, Inc., and sits on the board of Alloy, LLC. Prior to forming ZMC, he was president and CEO of BMG Entertainment, at that time one of the world’s largest music and entertainment companies with more than 200 record labels and operations in 54 countries. Strauss holds a BA from Wesleyan University, as well as an MBA from Harvard Business School and a JD from Harvard Law School.

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Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 289). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 
