Franklin Leonard Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. Trusting that I can weather most failures that might befall me. I lived the first 33 years of my life actively trying to avoid failure. More recently, I’ve worried less about failing and more about not risking failure enough, because I’m reasonably sure that there’s not a failure I can’t survive. P 278

FRANKLIN LEONARD has been described by NBC News as “the man behind Hollywood’s secret screenplay database, ‘The Black List.’” In 2005, Franklin surveyed almost 100 film industry development executives about their favorite scripts from that year that had not been made into feature films. Since then the voter pool has grown to 500 film executives. Now, more than 300 Black List screenplays have been made as feature films. Those films have earned more than $26 billion in worldwide box office sales, have been nominated for 264 Academy Awards, and have won 48, including Best Pictures Slumdog Millionaire, The King’s Speech, Argo, and Spotlight, and ten of the last 20 screenwriting Oscars.

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Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 276). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 
