Esther Perel Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. Life will present you with unexpected opportunities, and you won’t always know in advance which are the important moments. Above all, it’s the quality of your relationships that will determine the quality of your life. Invest in your connections, even those that seem inconsequential. 
“Just ask questions. You never know what will happen.” 
~write a thank-you note, and to specifically mention two things that were memorable about the experience. 
Always take the time to acknowledge people—and not just when you know you have something to gain. If you show interest in them, they will be interested in you. People react to kindness with kindness, to respect with respect. Relationships—even brief ones—are doorways to opportunity. P 180

2. From a very early age, I understood that a language is a doorway to another world—its culture, sensibility, aesthetic, and humor. Different parts of me come alive when I switch languages. 
The time I invested in learning languages was essential to my career. When I arrived in the U.S., with no papers and no fancy degrees, the only thing that differentiated me was my languages, and the multiple perspectives they afforded me. 
In my work, I speak with people from all around the world about the most personal of matters. Language is intimate, and there is no way I could do the work I do if I had to communicate in translation. P 180-181

3. In moments when you don’t believe in yourself, you need other people who believe in you. They can hold you up when you falter and keep you from hitting the ground. Other people see you differently from the way you see yourself. And that multiplicity of perspectives is essential to making us who we are. Identity is always a two-way street—created from the inside out and the outside in. Many people feel that when they are overwhelmed or lose focus, they need to retreat into themselves and shut out the world. They think that there is greater merit and virtue in figuring things out alone. That doesn’t work for me. I find myself, and activate my greatest creative capacities, in relationship with the beautiful diversity of other human beings. P 181

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ESTHER PEREL has been called the most important game-changer in sexuality and relational health since Dr. Ruth. Her TED Talks on maintaining desire and rethinking infidelity have more than 17 million views, and she’s both seen and tested everything imaginable in 34 years of running her private therapy practice in New York City. Esther is the author of the international bestseller Mating in Captivity, which has been translated into 26 languages. Fluent in nine of them (I’ve heard her in person), this Belgian native now brings her multicultural pulse to her new book The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity. Her creative energy is currently focused on co-creating and hosting an Audible original audio series, Where Should We Begin?


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 179). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
