Anna Holmes Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. ~smart, driven college student(s)...should ignore any advice from anyone who purports to tell them what the future will look like. No one knows. People have ideas, and those are good to take on board and consider, but that’s about the extent of it. I can’t tell you how many media or political “experts” have made proclamations as to the next big thing in journalism or entertainment—or politics—and been proven horribly, embarrassingly wrong. In the whole scheme of things, no one knows anything, or rather, all of us have a lot to learn, and it takes a lifetime. Interrogate the information shared with you by others, and use it as a way to make up your own mind, not a path to follow. P 142

2. I like collaborative environments where people who work hard and do good work get rewarded for it, no matter who they are. I hate machinations and behind-the-scenes strategizing and bullshit. P 142

3. I’d been a dancer as a child and had forgotten how much an understanding of my own body and belief in its capabilities could translate into better self-esteem, focus, and mental and emotional centeredness. (Vinyasa) Yoga, and the community I came to know through my practice, saved my life. P 143

4. What I told these graduates (at a commencement speech of a privates' boarding school in upstate New York) was not so much “fuck that,” but that they should work to overcome the uncomfortable feelings they may encounter when telling someone else no, whether that is a friend, a romantic partner, a work colleague, etc. P 144

5. Moving throughout the world, whether by foot or four-wheeled vehicle, gives me a different way of looking at things and inspires me to feel gratitude at even the smallest of pleasures: a fluffy cloud, a chipmunk scurrying across the road, a hawk sitting on a fencepost, a gaggle of teenagers making a ruckus and having the time of their lives. P 144

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ANNA HOLMES is an award-winning writer and editor who has worked with numerous publications, including The Washington Post, The New Yorker online, and The New York Times, where she is a regular contributor to the Sunday Book Review. In 2007, in response to her work for magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan, she created the popular website, which helped to revolutionize popular discussions around the intersections of gender, race, and culture. In 2016, she became SVP of Editorial at First Look Media, where she is spearheading the launch of, the consumer-facing arm of Topic, the company’s film, TV, and digital studio.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 135). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
