Whitney Cummings Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. “Fly high.” In any given situation, I can’t control anything except my reaction and my contribution, so this mantra helps me to not deplete myself with lowbrow responses to problems. Most likely, the problem won’t be around in a year, but my reputation of how I dealt with it will. As long as I can handle a situation with grace, I usually come out having won and don’t waste valuable time and energy feeling guilty or replaying it in my head. In my creative work, “fly high” is a reminder to always strive for an A-plus no matter how tired I am or how late it is. If you run out of time, ask for more. Never settle for “good enough.”

2. Every morning I make myself write a gratitude list, regardless of how busy I am, or how much I don’t want to. It can feel silly and redundant at times, but it’s atrophied my negative thinking. It’s built up the muscle that focuses on what’s going well and how fortunate I am, which helps me be more productive, creative, and focused. It yields a type of mental freedom that’s hard to explain.

3. ~figure out some kind of charitable element to whatever endeavor you undertake, whether it’s a benevolent motive or a literal profit donation.

4. Just get better, and opportunities will naturally present themselves once you deserve them. Only focus on things within your control.

5. I use the Freedom app to cut down on social media time. Not only is it very unhealthy and addictive, but it was also giving my lizard brain the sense that I was somehow being left behind or left out, which triggered deep fears.

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WHITNEY CUMMINGS is a Los Angeles–based comedian, actor, writer, and producer. Whitney is the executive producer and, along with Michael Patrick King, co-creator of the Emmy-nominated CBS comedy 2 Broke Girls.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 482). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
