Stephanie McMahon Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. “Do something you’re afraid of every day.”—Eleanor Roosevelt
-“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
-If I didn’t go out there, I would regret it for the rest of my life. How many people would ever get an opportunity to do what I was about to do? P 510

2. She (grandmother) always reinforces what’s most important in life (the people you love), and constantly reminds me not to let anyone walk over me. “You got to stand up for yourself, Steph,” she says. “No one told me how to do it, but I did it anyway, and it’s served me well. P 511

3. ~before I go to bed, I try to think of three things that made me happy during the day. It’s an evolution of thinking of three things that I’m grateful for before bed. Thinking of things that made me happy helps me put aside all the baggage I’ve packed throughout the day, and it helps me focus on what’s really important. P 511-512

4. ~saying no in the right situation can actually be empowering. ~is it really a ‘need to have’ or is it a ‘nice to have’? P 512

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STEPHANIE McMAHON is the chief brand officer of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE) and is the organization’s global brand ambassador. She is the primary spokesperson for WWE’s corporate social responsibility initiatives, including the Special Olympics, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and Be a STAR, WWE’s anti-bullying program.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 509). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
