Rick Rubin Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1. the success of a project very often has nothing to do with the quality of a project. Sometimes really good projects fail commercially. And sometimes projects that might not have artistically hit the mark as I would have liked have had great commercial success. There are so many elements that go into making something successful—all of which are out of your control. You’re in control of making your project the best it can possibly be for you, but you are powerless over most of what happens after that. Even if you do your best in terms of marketing and promotion, you have no control over how people react to it. P. 489

2. Transcendental Meditation. ~ability to focus—to be one-pointed. It’s also a way to get yourself out of the way and see things for what they are, without the narrative that we put on them. P. 489

3. ~ignore most anything you learn in school and ignore all accepted standards. Free yourself to try anything. The best ideas are revolutionary. If you’re searching for wisdom, try to find it from people who’ve done it more than from people who teach it. Ask a lot of questions. In addition, focus on something you love, because you have a far greater chance of succeeding by doing something you love, and regardless of whether you succeed or not, your life will be better. So you can’t really lose by dedicating yourself to what you love. Also, work tirelessly. I feel very lucky and blessed in my life, and I know this is because I totally submerged myself in what I was doing. I spent my every waking hour, every day, enjoying it when I was doing it and truly living it. P. 490

4. When you start out doing something, you’re likely charting uncharted territory, and it’s good to ask a lot of questions from people in the industry and to learn from them. Remember, though, when people give you advice, they’re giving you advice based on their particular skills, experiences, and perspectives. So know that when you get expert advice, it’s often people telling you about their journey, and every journey is different. This doesn’t mean to not listen to the wisdom of others, but to really try it on for size and ask yourself, “Does this fit me mentally and physically?” Some people go through abusive situations to get what they think they want and can lose their souls in the process. Every person who goes on these journeys takes a different path. It’s not, “Well, when you get to the corner, make a left.” In fact, if you’re on the exact same path, something’s wrong. It’s not meant to be the same path. You need to tune in to yourself to know what works for you. P. 491

Image result for rick rubin


RICK RUBIN has been called “the most important [music] producer of the last 20 years” by MTV. Rick’s résumé includes everyone from Johnny Cash to Jay-Z.


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 487). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
