Drew Houston Inspirational Quotes: Tribes of Mentor by Tim Ferriss

1.    “build deeper empathy for the people in your life and better understand why they are the way they are.” (P.457)

2.    finding something that you can become obsessed with, solving a problem that really matters to (you). (P. 457)

3.    The circle refers to the idea that you’re the average of your five closest friends. ~put yourself in an environment that pulls the best out of you. (P. 457)

4.    Most people live for about 30,000 days—you have to make every day count. (P. 457)

5.    Make sure the problem you become obsessed with is one that needs solving and is one where your contribution can make a difference. “Make something people want.” (P. 457)

6.    You have a lot less time than you think, and you’re not spending your time the way you think you are. (P. 457)

7.    Think of your time like a jar, your priorities as “rocks,” and everything else as pebbles or sand; “am I going to fill it with my rocks or am I going to let other people fill it with theirs?” ~think carefully before putting unsolicited requests for favors ahead of all my teammates and customers, who are quietly counting on me to do my actual job. ~be conscious of your choices. (P. 458)

8.    Schedule specific blocks of time in advance for your rocks so you don’t have to think about them. Don’t rely on wishful thinking. ~if you can’t see your rocks on your calendar, they might as well not exist. (P. 458)

9.    As far as actually saying no, I’ve learned you don’t owe anyone lengthy explanations, and you don’t have to respond to every email (particularly anything unsolicited). (P. 458)


Enneagram, a Personality Test, was highly recommended by Drew Houston, to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, but also help build deeper empathy for the people in your life and better understand why they are the way they are.
Image result for drew houston


Ferriss, Timothy. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (P. 455). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
